Computerisation in Tiruvallur District

Tiruvallur is the first District in the entire state which has taken up the simultaneous computerisation of both Taluk Offices and Block Development Offices. All eight Taluk Offices and fourteen Block Development Offices are equipped with latest advanced Computers along with peripherals Printer, Uninterrupted Power Supply and Modem. All Taluk Offices and Block Development Offices are interlinked with Collectorate and District Rural Development Agency through computer network. The network is designed using advanced Information Technology methods. It is also proposed to interlink with the Secretariat directly with Taluk and Block Development Offices, so that CM Office can retrieve the required information directly accessing the computer of the concerned Office. Software is Designed and Developed by National Informatics Centre. All the public related systems will be enabled with Intranet and Internet access, which enforces the open administration and transparency in government offices.

Software systems

Software is developed by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) by using latest trends. It consists of user friendly packages. Objectives of the computerisation systems are:

  • Gross level data flow from Taluk, Blocks to State level

  • Network connectivity

  • Security features has been maintained

  • GIS based Systems

  • Minimize the Paper work

The following systems are operational at NIC District Computer Centre, Collectorate and all Taluk and Block Development Offices in the District.

The District Computer Centre, Collectorate  has the following facilities:

  • FTDMA VSAT for E-mail and Internet Services
  • Unix Server with 6 Terminals
  • Widows NT Server with 10 Client Systems
  • Remote Access Server (RAS) with three dial-up lines

Some of the important projects operational at District Computer Centre:

  1. CM Cell Petitions Monitoring

    It facilitates monitoring of a district related petitions received at CM Cell. Petitions are added to the local database from the data received from the CM Cell, assigned to the concerned officer in the district and monitored if action is taken. Reply from the concerned officer is entered and thus disposed petitions are sent to CM Cell. For this purpose, the system provides for local officer assignment, pendancy reports, reply entries, review reports for Collector, etc.

  2. Grievance Day Petitions Monitoring

    It facilitates monitoring of the District related petitions received by the Collector at District Collectorate every Monday on weekly basis . Petitions are marked to the concerned officer in the District and monitored. If action is taken, reply from the concerned officer is entered. For this purpose, the system provides local officer assignment, pendancy reports, reply entries, review reports for Collector, etc.

  3. Old Age Pension Monitoring System

    It takes care of five major schemes namely,

    1. Destitute Agriculture Labourer Pension (DALP)
    2. Deserted Destitute Women Pension (DDWP)
    3. Destitute Widow Pension (DWP)
    4. National Old Age Pension (NOAP)
    5. Physically Handicapped Pension (PHP)

    Additions, deletions and corrections are carried out talukwise on monthly basis in all the 5 Schemes mentioned above and Schedules and Money Order forms are printed accordingly.

  4. Collector's Special Petitions Monitoring

    Collector gives instructions to all district officers and other officers in the district on different occasions like meetings, visits, etc and also based on petitions received by him. His instructions are entered into the system and all officers are sent reminders of all the pending instructions. Moreover, Collector uses the pendancy report to monitor the system.

  5. SC & ST Student Scholarship System

    Both Central Government and State Government scholarship to SC & ST students in various educational institutions at various levels is calculated and various reports required for different agencies like the concerned section, the treasury and educational institutions are prepared. It ensures that each student get correct amount of scholarship and deduction for various fees is made.

  6. Monitoring of Land Matter Subjects

    It facilitates monitoring of pending files of various land matter subjects like alienation, transfer, lease, assignment, etc. at taluk level. Collector uses the pending reports and review reports for the review of the subject in the meetings.

  7. Monitoring of Processing of Applications for Gun License

    It monitors the processing of applications for gun license by various authorities at various levels such as Tashildars, RDOs and SPs. It produces status and pendency reports about the applications for different kind of guns dealt with by different authorities. These reports are used to monitor and expedite the processing of applications so that licenses are issued without much delay.

  8. Public Distribution System

    It facilitates calculation of monthly shopwise allotment of essential commodities. Besides, one can monitor the liftment of the those commodities from the godown for a given period of time with during-the-period and cumulative figures to ensure the availability of the commodities in the ration shops.

  9. Small Industries System
  10. Treasuries Computerisation
  11. Systems for Health, Statistics, Social Welfare, Civil Supplies, Small Savings, etc.
  12. Minor Irrigation Census
  13. Payroll, Personnel Information System
  14. Bonded Labourer Rehabilitation Information System

Some of the important projects operational at Taluk Offices are:

  1. Petitions Monitoring System
  2. Old Age Pension system
  3. Public Distribution System
  4. Land Records Computerisation
  5. Rainfall Monitoring System
  6. Public Grievances System
  7. Certificate Monitoring System

Block Development Offices :

  1. Beneficiary Schemes Monitoring System
  2. Work Monitoring System
  3. Noon Meals Scheme Monitoring System
  4. Marriage Assistance Program System

Apart from the above systems, the following Office Automation Software are implemented in all Taluk and Block Development Offices.

  • Payroll Sytem
  • Tappal Monitoring System
  • Personnel Information System

Petitions Monitoring System is a unique software of its kind, which interlinks with most of the software systems like Certificate Monitoring System, Land Records System, OAP system etc. The System further provides the accessibility upto Collectorate and CM Office level. Communication between all these Offices is established through computers by e-mail and fax.

All Circulars, Office Orders etc. sent to Taluk and Block Development Offices from Collector's Desk or Addl. Collector's Desk, as the case may be, are sent through the Computer. Similarly, Reports from Tahsildars and BDOs are received through the Computer.

Separate email ids for all Taluk and Block Development Offices and other important State Government Offices are to be provided in the near future through MS Exchange Server from the Computer specially installed for this purpose in the District Informatics Centre which will enable the users to Send and Receive emails to/from any part of the world.

Computer Centre Infrastructure and Computer Systems Status in Taluk Offices, Tiruvallur District

Taluk Ph I or Ph II Whether all the Infrastructure facilities such as AC, Power Supply, Furniture, Citizen Interface Centre are available Installation of Computers Month of Functioning of Computers Facilities made available through computers to the
Administration Payroll, Communication Letters, Statements using MS Office/Star Office, etc. Public Pension distribution system, Petition System, etc.
Tiruvallur (Model Taluk) Ph I Yes Apr '00 April ' 00 Yes Yes
Tiruttani Ph I Except AC May '00 May '00 Yes Yes
Pallipet Ph II Yes Feb '01 Feb '01 Yes Yes
Uthukottai Ph II Yes Feb '01 Feb '01 Yes Yes
Poonamalle Ph II Yes Feb '01 Feb '01 Yes Yes
Ambattur Ph II Yes Feb '01 Feb '01 Yes Yes
Ponneri Ph II Yes Feb '01 Feb '01 Yes Yes
Gumidipoondi Ph II Yes Feb '01 Feb '01 Yes Yes


Land Records Computerisation, Tiruvallur District

Total Number of Taluks : Eight
Model Taluk : Tiruvallur
Infrastructure details in Taluk Offices are given below.

  • Public can access the Computer Center through the counter for the purpose of Kiosk and as well as for submitting the Public Grievances Petitions.
  • A/C has been installed in Seven Taluks (except Tiruttani)
  • Computer Systems (one server plus two clients) are functioning in all the eight Taluks
  • Updation upto 30/06/2001 of Land data was carried out in Taluk Centers only by using trained Revenue and Survey staff.
  • There are sufficiently trained staff available in each Taluk Office

    Salient features

  • District Revenue / Survey staff have been given extensive training by Tata Infotech, Tiruvallur.
  • 320 District Revenue / Survey staff were trained by CSC Centre.
  • 32 District Revenue / Survey staff had undergone two weeks Advanced Training at CSC as Key Resource Persons (KRP's).

Computerisation of Land Records

Land is the habitat of man and its wide use is crucial for economic, social and environmental advancement of all countries. Although it is part of natural human heritage, access to land is controlled by ownership patterns. It is partitioned for administrative ease and used in many ways. More recently, the need for thoughtful and careful stewardship of land, together with intensive use and management of its resources, has emerged as a matter of major global concern.

Access to Land Records is very limited and people are ignorant of the existing system. Even for simple transfer of ownership from father to his own son, the process consumes lot of time and energy. Hence, it is high time to go in for computerization of Land Records.

Land information is vital for making decisions related to land investment, development and management. It involves making fundamental policy decisions about the nature and extent of the investments in the land. Land Information System is giving support to the District Administration by providing information about the land and its resources.

Why computerization of land records?

In view of the large volume of data it is becoming extremely difficult to effectively monitor the transactions and manage the information flow through conventional manual system. Computer based Land Records Information System is helpful to:

  • Ensure proper maintenance of Land Records
  • Furnish copies of Patta (Record of Rights) to the Holders speedily and in legible form
  • Minimize tampering of Land Records and maintain accuracy
  • Easy retrieval of records
  • Proper updation of records on land transfers.
  • Integration of data with Geographical Information System (GIS).

Subjects taken up for computerisation

  1. Land Holding Details (A-Register)

    The land holding details (A-Register) is a permanent register of each village which is having the details of Survey Number, Subdivision Number, Type and Category of the Land, Extent of the land, Rate of Cess, Total Cess, Patta Number, Owners Details and Usage of the land. Survey Department is the authority for maintenance of this register.

  2. Land Ownership Details (Chitta)

    This is maintained by Village Administrative Officer (VAO). This register has details such as Patta Number, Land Owner name (Pattadhar), his address and the Land Survey number.

  3. Patta Transfer

    The transfer of lands can occur in two ways:
    a. Transferring the land ownership to another buyer
    b. Transfer of land ownership to legal heirs.
    The name transfer may involve sub divisions in the existing land area.

  4. Sub Division Details

    Land parcels are basically divided and maintained using Survey Numbers and its Sub-division Numbers. This occurs when a portion of the land is transferred to a new owner or to the assignee.

  5. Changes in Classification

    Classification of a particular piece of land is done through settlement. Due to prevailing conditions, if the authorities feel that it is necessary to change the classification of land such as Porambokku into Natham, Wet into Dry, etc., then the changes are carried out accordingly in this register.

  6. Land Assignment

    Assignment of Government Porambokku (Wasteland), in favour of the eligible persons either free of cost or on collection of market value is called Assignment

  7. Land Acquisition

    Compulsory acquisition of any patta land for any public purpose, subject to the Land Acquisition Act, is called Land Acquisition.

  8. Land Relinquishments

    Giving up of title over any land by the Land Owner in favour of the Government or Local Bodies is called Relinquishment.

  9. Land Alienation

    Transfer of any Government land in favour of any Government Department or Local Bodies or Quasi Government organisation is called Land Alienation.

  10. Land Encroachment

    Encroachment of Government land or land owned by local authority such as Panchayat, by a person or group of persons is called Encroachment.

  11. Land Revenue

    It is the tax levied by the State Government for each Fasli year based on Tharam (Quality) and Classification. Local Cess and Local Surcharge are added with the basic land tax.

  12. Land Settlement

    Finalization of each Survey Number indicating sort, tharam and classification of each piece of land and its ownership details.

  13. Adangal

    Adangal is the Village Account No. 2 which is maintained for each Fasli year by the VAO. It contains details about each piece of land in a particular village, the crop that is raised and its condition.

The Land Holding Details (A-Register) and Land Ownership details (Chitta) are the Master Records. The other records are updated depending on the transactions.

Touch Screen Kiosk, Tiruvallur Taluk Office

Objectives of Touch Screen Kiosk at Tiruvallur Taluk Office, Tiruvallur District.

  • To facilitate and amplify the government public interface and bring the administration closer to the people
  • Integrate this with the Computerisation of Land Records programme so as to ensure that the benefits of the computerisation programme can reach the public and enable easier access to desired information on their own and with greater ease.
  • Integrate this with information on OAP/ Destitute
  • Integrate this with Birth and Death Certificates
  • Integrate this with Information on Guideline values (Registration fee)


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