Child Labour Elimination Project in Tiruvallur District
The Tiruvallur CARE Society was registered on 18th of August 2003, vide Reg
No. 168/2003. The society, headed by the Collector is formed for the purpose of
elimination of child labour in the district.
Thiru S. Chandramohan,
I.A.S., District Collector and Chairman of the Child Care Society, Tiruvallur
inagurating the awareness program on child labour
The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan programme of education department has identified
1153 children as child labourers from among the total drop outs of 6369 and 9895
never enrolled. The SSA servey is manily house-hold based. There may be migrant
and non-resident still working in establishment.
Child labour being the major cause of child abuse and exploitation,
elimination of child from hazardous or non-hazardous occupation is necessary.
Major hazardous industries which attracts child labour in the district of
Tiruvallur, are beedi making, carpet weaving, cement works, cloth dyeing and
printing, construction industry, automobile repairs, brick kiln, etc.
Blocks where the child labour is prevalent in large number in hazardous
industry are Pallipet, RKPet, Gummidipoondi and Tiruvallur.
Child laborers Sundari and
Uma help their mother in brick kiln for just Rs. 10/- per day
The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan scheme, a comprihensive programme of education
department has been also been gearing up to meet the challenge of child labour
in a holistic manner. The programme is child friendly and ensures community
participation. The Tiruvallur SSA has so far created a resource pool of 160
Bridge Course Center teachers covering all blocks in tune with the number of
children in each block.
The society would also focus on challenging internalized impression among
parents that the child is a supplementary hand to earn wages.
District Revenue Officer,
Additional District Magistrate and District Education Officer persuading child
laborers from kadambatur block to get enrolled
The issue of economic empowerment of the families to relieve the burden on
the child is already being addressed through INDUS/SGSY scheme. Out of 1153
mothers, 291 were interviewed in a session precided by the Collector. 31 mothers
were already part of local Self Help Groups. 260 mothers were identified to form
SH Groups.
Tiruvallur CARES has just begun; it would grow and spread till its mission is
Tiruvallur cares for its