Agricultural Activities

The main occupation of the district is agriculture and allied activities Nearly 47% of the total work force is engaged in the agricultural sector.

Some of the crops grown here enlist Paddy, Sugar-cane, Bajira, Chilly, Groundnut, Gingerly. For irrigation of crops, deep bore wells, lake reservoirs and well reservoirs are majorly used

Total cultivated Area (Ha) 184198
Net Area Sown (Ha) 136648
Area Sown more than once (Ha) 50550
Cropping Intensity 134.8%

The major crops grown in the district are rice, cumbu - ragi, green gram, black gram, sugar cane and groundnut. Apart from this, certain horticultural crops like mango, guava and vegetables have also bean cultivated successfully. The average area, production and productivity of the Principal crops are as follows:

(Graph) Principal crops in Tiruvallur District

Principal Crops Area
Rice 108628 398152
Cumbu 920 1752
Ragi 1712 3773
Green Gram 6600 4013
Black Gram 2791 1317
Sugarcane 7172 817608
Groundnut 30269 85600


Apart from seasonal rivers like Kesathaliar, Aravar, Nandi, Kallar, Coovam and Buckhingham Canal there is no perennial river in the district. Since these seasonal rivers are not sufficient, irrigation through tanks, tube wells and open wells are very common.

(Graph) Irrigation of Tiruvallur District

Source of Irrigation Area in ha
Tanks 42012
Tube Well 33188
Well 63983
Canals 4240
Other Sources 1846
Net Area Irrigated 110266
Gross Area Irrigated 145269

Animal Husbandry and Fisheries

Animal husbandry is a subsidiary occupation of the district due to the presence of a number of small and marginal farmers. Presently, there are four Government Schemes in operation Viz., Backyard poultry farm, Buffalo Rearing Scheme, Special Animal Husbandry Programme and special campaign to protect animals. There are 5 Veterinary Hospitals, 24 Veterinary Dispensaries, 77 sub-centres and 14 mobile veterinary units catering to the needs of the farming community.

The total coastal area of the district is about 49803 ha and has a coast line of 80 kms for marine fisheries. Prawn/shrimp culture is famous at the coast line of Gummidipoondi and Minjur. The total fish production is to the tune of 11372 tonnes.



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